I’m currently working as an Android Engineer at Bending Spoons in Milan, Italy. I can help you with building all-things software and web.
How can I help you?

I worked with amazing people.
I also had brilliant professors.
Thesis: Cyber Threat Intelligence: Data Leaks Prevention and Identification.
Thesis: Tool to search for a systemic bias in bibliography linked to the composition of the program committee of scientific conferences.
Activities: CCNA1 course, "Impresa in Azione" project.
Thesis: assigning internships to students based on skills levels.
They enabled me to learn some powerful skills.
5 years work experience in the field, building websites, javascript plugins and web apps.
Main technologies: HTML5 & CSS3, Sass, Javascript, jQuery, Grunt, React, Typescript, SEO, Responsiveness, Figma, Photoshop.
Worked with: Angular, AngularJS.
I have been coding since high school for personal, work and academic production-ready projects.
Main technologies: Kotlin, Python, C#, Java, Open Source.
Worked with: Firebase, Scala, MATLAB, C++, Ruby (on Rails), SQL.
2 years experience in CI/CD for testing, linting and deploying work and personal projects.
Main technologies: git, Github, Github Actions, Vim, git-crypt.
Worked with: Travis CI, Gitlab CI, Docker.
I love being organized, and time mangement is a must, especially when working while studying for university.
Organization (Notion freak), flexibility, time management, teamwork.
I love participating in coding competitions.